Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fun Food for Halloween

My favorite place to create is in the kitchen, and oh does Halloween have so many opportunities for fun creations! Here are some fun ideas I have found. 

I would suggest purchasing a plastic decorating bottle. You can find these at Wal-mart in the cooking section (by toothpicks and mixing spoons) for $1, or get a thicker, higher quality Wilton bottle at your local hobby/craft store for a few dollars. I use mine so often! I fill mine with pancake batter and make seasonal shapes, fun shapes, and my kids' names onto the pan. Fill it with melted chocolate or candy melts and squirt onto waxed paper to make different things, such as the bat Oreos below. Use it for flooding cookies with icing. The uses are many!

These "ghouls" look so cool, and they are simply yogurt-covered pretzels with mini M&Ms for eyes! They are shown here on top of brownies, find the whole recipe/idea at Chasing Tomatoes.

I served these spider and web pancakes over the last weekend. It was a blast and the kids loved them! You can find the recipe and technique over at So Wonderful, So Marvelous. I used cocoa to color mine, rather than food coloring. They didn't come out nearly as dark as the ones in the photo, but I didn't mind.

Loving these mummy Oreos on a stick! Find the how-to, as well as other fun Halloween cookie ideas at How Does She?

While you have those Oreos on hand, you can also make these adorable bat cookies on a stick. Find the how-to at The Party Animal.

This candy corn pudding isn't candy corn flavored, but it sure is fun! The flavors are actually butterscotch, banana and cream. Find the yummy recipe at Life is a Banquet

I saved my favorite for last - how great are these melted witch cookies?! These were found on Death by Cupcake's Flickr page.

Have Fun!

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