15 Things Children Can (and should) Value More Than Possessions at becoming minimalist - This is a fantastic site that you may get caught up in once you visit!
10 Kid-Friendly Finds for Less Than $10 at Apartment Therapy - If you need low-cost yet really unique & fun birthday gifts, you can find some ideas here. I love these fishie earbuds!
Top Ten Ways to Begin Making Disciples of Older Children at Disciple Like Jesus - If you are a little late in the game of passing on your Christian faith to your children, for whatever reason, or you just need some tips on how to do so, this article shows you how to share your faith in a way that keeps your older kids open to what you're trying to teach them.
10 Tips for Taking Pictures of Kids at How Does She? - My fave tip is #10, "shoot, shoot, shoot". When I am hanging out with the kids and a camera, I usually just shoot, shoot, shoot - one photo after another. I can always go back and delete anything that didn't work. Its how I got this series (above) of Jill, which I just love! Oops, wrong year! Ha ha! Gotta go change that now.
Photo: Flickr/ Melanie Hughs
How to Make Felt Food: Our Gigantic List of Tutorials at Ohdeedoh - If this is your thing, you don't want to miss this list!
25 Must-Read Homeschooling Articles for Newbies at Jimmie's Collage - This will take some time but the articles are great.
The World's 15 Most Extraordinary Homeschoolers - I found this an interesting article, showing how diverse homeschoolers are and how unschooling can really turn out some incredible adults. Yes, that's the Jonas Brothers, who are/were homeschooled by their mother and who also speak openly about their faith and wear purity rings.
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