Photo: Stock Xchng/ Alexander Israel
If you haven't felt it already, life is about to get a little extra hectic. The shopping, the cleaning, the visiting, the wrapping, the mailing, the decorating. I'll tell ya - when I am at home I feel peaceful and that we can take this season as it comes, calmly. I feel that we have everything we need and can simply enjoy each other, make happy memories, and prepare for Christ. But then. Oh, but then. When I leave my home, I get overwhelmed. I do. I admit that I see plenty that I want to buy, even though when I am home I know we are blessed to have as many decorations and things already. I feel a bit stressed with the lights and activity and commercialism. And I even feel quite impatient at the crowds and their slow browsing.
One of my favorite passages in the Bible is in 2 Chronicles, chapter 20:
"O our God, . . . we are powerless against this vast multitude that comes against us. We are at a loss what to do, hence our eyes are turned toward you."
The Spirit comes and a message from God is delivered:
"The Lord says to you: 'Do not fear or lose heart at the sight of this vast multitude, for the battle is not yours but God's. . . . Take your places, stand firm, and see how the Lord will be with you to deliver you. . . . Do not fear or lose heart.'"
He says to take our places. Where is our place? Abiding in Him. When we abide in Christ, He gives us peace that passes understanding. Why "that passes understanding"? Because the peace of God does not mean the absence of turmoil. Rather, it is the calm in the chaos. When our Christian lives have difficult times, just like anyone, yet we abide in Him and remain calm, we glorify God because we are a living example that His ways work.
Remember the story of Jesus calming the sea? The sea was in complete turmoil, the boat was in turmoil. The fisherman were freaking out. Where was Jesus? Sound asleep in the peace that passes understanding, the calm in the chaos. And that's where we can be when we abide in Him.
So I just wanted to remind you (and me!) that if we will abide in Christ throughout our days this holiday season, if we will seek out His calm, we can have a peaceful, joy-filled season even in the midst of chaos!
And if you feel yourself starting to get overwhelmed at what still needs to be done, remember that God instructs us not to worry about tomorrow, it will be taken care of, for today has enough troubles of its own. (Matthew 6:34)
God Bless You & Yours this Advent Season,

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