Photo: Flickr/ Paul Downey (psd)
Pull up a cup of coffee or tea, and let's visit! Today is the first of 45 days of faith, family, and fun!
"That I may praise God's name in song and glorify it with Thanksgiving." ~ Psalm 69:31
Getting things done - Are you hosting Thanksgiving dinner at your house, or visiting at someone else's house? We will be going to my parents' for dinner this year. But they are only making the bird and ham, so each of us kids has several side dishes to bring. If you are hosting Thanksgiving at your house, you have hopefully already ordered the bird. If not, do so now. Today, make a guest list and a menu so you'll know what you're working with. If you are going to someone else's for Thanksgiving, decide on what you'll be bringing. That's it! Now enjoy your day today.
Homefront - I will be hosting Christmas dinner this year, but I definitely do not want to be frantically cleaning the house when the time draws near. So I am doing two things: first, I am deep cleaning a bit each day and of course involving the kids, and second, I am assigning a room to each child that they will be responsible for keeping clean. I will tell you that cleaning a house with kids in it is like shoveling the sidewalk while its still snowing! I am hoping this idea will help. So today we will knock out the kitchen: sweep & mop, wash the windows, clean out the microwave (by the way, microwave a cup of water with some baking soda in it for one minute and then the cooked on food will wipe right off the inside of the microwave!), wipe down all surfaces.
Family - Today for our family activity, we will go on a fall walk. We have lots of trees and nature around our home, so we can just walk around here and collect nature items including acorns. But you could go to a park. When we get back, we will make a nature collage by gluing some naturey items we collected onto construction paper and hang them up. We will make a leaf mobile by ironing leaves we collected between wax paper and stringing them onto a branch (adapted from Homeschool Creations leaf mobile). If we have time we may even make acorn people.
Faith & Fun - I found a cornucopia craft for kids, which includes the origin of the horn of plenty, appropriate Bible verses, and a prayer that goes with the craft. Find it all at Sunday School Kids.
Food - Today's dinner is shrimp creole. It is very inexpensive, fairly simple, and easy to make in big batches so I am going to make a big pot of it and freeze two more dinners' worth for a couple of busy December nights! Click here for the recipe!
Have a Blessed Day!

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