"Living in Jesus Christ means choosing to trust. It means living without fear."
~ Charles Chaput
~ Charles Chaput
Photo: Flickr/ Rachel Titiriga
Faith Sharing - It seems that I have had one medical difficulty after another this year. It has been a frightening one. And so my constant chant has been, "Jesus, I trust in You." The latest was just yesterday, as I went in for a diagnostic breast exam. While getting an ultrasound on my heart about a month ago, the tech saw something in my breast. So began the chant once again yesterday. Faith and trust is a gift from God, and I am so thankful for it today. I cannot imagine going to my appointment without faith and trust in Him. Not necessarily trust that my tests would come back clear, because bad things happen in this life. But trust that whatever it is, God will be with me and take care of me and my family.
Everything turned out to be fine - the problem was benign. But as I sat in the post-exam waiting room (the center gives same-day results), a woman walked in, sat down, and sobbed. My heart sank and my eyes instantly welled up with tears as well. I so wanted to hug her, to offer to pray with her, to tell her that Jesus is with her no matter what happens. But she just got the news minutes before and I thought she may just need to process. I closed my eyes and prayed for God to be with her, draw her to Him in this trying time, to bring her peace that passes understanding, and hope, and make her and her family strong.
As I said in an earlier post, the Bible says some form of the phrase "Do not fear," 366 times. It's as if God is telling us not to be afraid once for every day of the year. Then, just in case we still don't get it (who does?), He threw in one extra.
Faith & trust can be difficult in good circumstances. How difficult it seems when our life is flooded with bad news. Please pray today for that woman in the waiting room with me. Please pray for all those who received scary news today. Pray for faith and trust, especially, because if we truly have faith and trust in God, we can face the scary things.
Getting things done - Today is our shopping day: groceries for Thanksgiving from the list we made, any tableware or servingware that we still need to get, and dropping off the boxes at an Operation Christmas Child donation location.
Homefront - Honestly, I am still tired from my tests yesterday. I was there for over three hours. And it was emotionally tiring. In addition to just our normal chores today, I am overseeing my daughter's cleaning of her room.
Family & Fun- Here are a few fun crafts to do with the kids in preparation for Thanksgiving:
This is a thankful tree. On each leaf the kids write something they are thankful for. I am using this as a centerpiece at the kids table for Thanksgiving (We are going to my parents' for Thanksgiving, but I am doing the kids table!) You could just buy a pretty pot, but I am going to let Little Bill paint a plain terra cotta pot today for this, and Jill can cut out the construction paper leaves. Find this project at Family Fun.
This scarecrow necklace is so cute, and a great way to do something with some of the leftover Halloween candy! Hey, have your kids make some for all their friends. Then you get to give lots of candy away. {Insert evil laugh here.} Find instructions also at Family Fun.
Food - Ready for another super easy dinner? Barbecue Casserole to the rescue! Simply heat the oven to 375, spray a 9x13 pan with non-stick, brown 1 lb. ground meat + 1/2 chopped onion in a pan on the stove. Stir in 3/4 C barbecue sauce. Using a large can of biscuits, line bottom of 9x13 pan with biscuits, spoon meat mix on top, then sprinkle 2 C shredded cheddar cheese on top. Cook in oven for 20 minutes. From my fave food blog: Framed. You definitely need veggies with this one, so serve corn and your fave green veggie on the side, maybe even a nice salad! Have some fruit, or yogurt with pomegranate seeds for a healthy dessert. {If you want to healthy the main course up, use Morningstar Crumbles instead of beef, or turkey at least, and add in a layer of fresh spinach in there.}
Have a Blessed Day,

Thank you sharing. My constant chant also is "Jesus I trust in You". I started to recite it some years ago when I was pregnant with our son Thomas. After a routine ultrasound, we were told that our baby would probably die soon after birth because of an abnormality. The months ahead were so frightening and I only got through them by praying constantly (and other people's prayers too!) We put the words "Jesus I Trust in You" on our son's headstone. It seemed to sum up everything perfectly.
ReplyDeleteI remember having to go for another ultrasound with a later baby. There was some concern that she'd died in utero. Again, I started the chant as I waited to find out. This time the news was good and I felt so overwhelmed with God's goodness and so very, very thankful. This time it wasn't me who was being asked to suffer.
Yes, of course, we will pray for the woman you saw. It is only by the prayers and support of others that we are able to go on.
God bless, Sue
Thank you for your lovely comment, Sue. I am so sorry to hear of your heartache and so inspired by your strength.
ReplyDeleteIt seems crazy but I think I am just in the past few years really understanding the incredible power of prayer. Two years ago I had a medical emergency and nearly died. There was no medical explanation for why I lived. Because it was an emergency situation, my parents didn't really find out until after my surgery. They told me that they called the prayer team at church and asked them to pray for me. I asked my dad why, since I was already okay. What he said next blew me away.
He said that God is timeless and prayer is a powerful and even mysterious thing. Suppose God knew my parents would call the church and knew those people would pray, and I was alive because of the prayers said later? Wow.
Thank you for sharing and for your prayers.
God Bless,
I was reading your post again, Tanya. There is so much there to think about. Yes, I often pray, not for a particular outcome, but for the strength to meet whatever God allows to come my way. Maybe it is better to be made strong through God's grace rather than to be given the chance to avoid suffering. I begged God to heal my baby because I didn't think I could cope with his death. God knew better and gave me the resources to survive and so I have gained many blessings including, as you say, the gift of faith and trust. It is so difficult to watch others suffer. On the one hand you want to assure them that God will help and all will be OK. On the other hand, they need to be understood and have their fears and sufferings recognised.
ReplyDeleteI am continually awed by the timelessness of God too. Isn't it wonderful to know that it is never too late, as far as God goes?
I have enjoyed sharing with you. I was looking for your profile to get to know you better but I can't find it. I'm probably not looking in the right place. I am guessing you are an American Mum. Isn't wonderful how the internet can connect people from all around the world? (I am in Australia.)
Your difficulties and how you are coping have inspired me too. God bless. With my prayers, Sue