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Advent Activities:
- Watch Holy Heroes Advent Adventures videos.
- Light two purple candles and one pink candle on the Advent wreath & read today's liturgy.
- Make and hang today's Jesse tree ornament, tears that were endless and shown to Jeremiah, due to peoples return to worshipping idols. Jeremiah 1:4-10, 2:4-13, 7:1-15, 8:22 - 9:1-11
- Say a decade of the rosary.
- Open another door on our Advent calendars.
Getting things done:
Today I am making sweet rolls in those disposable foil baking pans, to give to my neighbors on Christmas Eve day so they'll have a nice breakfast on Christmas morning. I will make them today and freeze them for now. I am making these for six neighbors.
We are also doing some more cleaning as Christmas is getting near and we are hosting dinner at our house!
Family & Food:
I made a super easy and so very kid-friendly dinner - tater tot casserole!
God Bless,

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