click here!}
Here is a clue to where we went swimming, not that anyone would recognize it!
How was your weekend? We had a snow blizzard! Okay, I may be a little overzealous using the word "blizzard" simply because I lived all but the last few years of my life where it never snows, but they did use that word on the news. So there. What did we do during the blizzard? Believe it or not, went swimming! I'll explain in another post! Onto Day 33 . . .
Advent Activities:
- Watch the Holy Heroes Advent Adventure videos.
- Light two purple candles and now a pink one (!) on the Advent wreath, & read today's liturgy.
- Make & hang today's Jesse tree ornament, the stone alter that Elijah built showing people the true light of God. 1 Kings 17:1-16, 18:17-46
- Say a decade of the rosary together.
- Open another door on our Advent calendars.
Getting things done:
Today we're supposed to bring the toys we are donating but it is gusting snow out there right now so I think we are going to have to postpone this for tomorrow or Wednesday. Today we will make some goodies (which I'll share in another post) and celebrate my daughter's patron saint, Lucy!
Photo: Flickr/ Avenue G
You know, a lot of our plans have been have been altered due to conditions we couldn't prevent. It is a bit frustrating, but I am trying to choose to remain positive and joyfully rearrange the things I can and let go of the things I can't. We didn't do the cookie-decorating party that I have really been wanting to do. It was supposed to be on the back deck, which was covered in snow all weekend, and most of the neighborhood kids are sick so I'd rather they not be piled into my home. I have a feeling that its just not going to happen. I was so looking forward to our church's Lady of Guadalupe celebration and so had nothing planned for us at home. The blizzard prevented us from going, since it is a 40-minute interstate's drive away. Oh and our oven quit on us, and my sister's (who lives across the street) whose I have been using, didn't work over the weekend because her electric line somehow got cut through.This is the very time when I need to go back and read my own last Daily Bread post.
Is anyone else having trouble getting a bit overwhelmed by the season, and what do you do about it?
Family Fun & Food:
Since we are snowed in and it's just "that kind of day", I am going to be making some food to sample for our holiday dinner, and the kids & I will be making holiday goodies. I will run back and forth across the street, using my sister's oven for the baking, in the snow! Trying to keep up my spirits and remember that none of these activities that I want to do but am having trouble with is what this season is about! Cooking with my kids should cheer me up, because I love it. And I will put on some beautiful Advent music, light our pine-scented candles, and try to relax and just live this day for Him.
Look for the food post later!
May your season be going better than mine is right now!
God Bless,

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