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Wow, five of these posts left! It feels like I started so long ago and yet also that it went by so fast. This is the time when it really is so easy to get into the fray of "doing" things that you forget to relax and enjoy your family, holiday traditions, and the reason for the season. I am trying not to do that.
So even though I do not feel that I have the time, I accepted my mother's invitation to a holiday event at a park near her home. It is a 45 minute drive and we'll be at the event for quite a while. It will basically take one of these last few days before Christmas. But I will spend some time enjoying Christmas festivities with my parents. My children will spend time with their grandparents and with me, just looking at lights, drinking cocoa, and staying warm by one of the bonfires.
So I said yes. Its what matters more than how spotlessly clean my house is or how much food I've prepped or even the children's schoolwork. When we say yes to something, we necessarily so no to other things in so doing. But what's important during these last few days of Advent? The impression I will make on others on Christmas Day (very self-centered) or relaxing with those I love and hold dearest (family- and love-centered)? Its not always easy and I sometimes feel nervous about making these kinds of decisions. But I am always so glad in the end.
Advent Activities:
- Watch Holy Heroes Advent Adventures videos.
- Light the candles on the Advent wreath and read today's liturgy.
- Make and hang today's Jesse tree ornament, Elizabeth & baby John the Baptist, who leaps for joy in his mother's womb when Mary, pregnant with Jesus, arrives for a visit. Luke 1:39-56. Catholic Cuisine suggests honey straws for snack this day, for John's honey. They sell these at my local Walgreens pharmacy.
- Say a decade of the rosary.
- Open another door on our Advent calendars.
Getting things done:
Today we are going to a Christmas event with my parents. Other than that, any food prep or tidying that we can fit in if possible, in preparation for hosting Christmas dinner this year. Tonight we will sit by the Christmas tree lights and sing carols together. {My daughter is getting a guitar for Christmas and she & I are going to take lessons together. I am hoping that next year we will be playing the background music for the carols we sing! Fun!}
Flickr/ origamidon
I hope everyone is having a blessed Christmas week!

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