Well we just had our first snow of the season! So exciting and beautiful!
Advent Activities:
- Watch the Holy Heroes Advent Adventure videos.
- Light the purple candle on the Advent wreath & read today's readings.
- Make and hang today's Jesse tree ornament, stars, for God's promise to Abraham, whose descendants became God's chosen people. Genesis 15:5-6, Genesis 12:1-7 & 15:1-6. The snack today is Brach's chocolate stars, found in the candy aisle, and you could also look at the cereal aisle & gummy treats for stars.
- Say a rosary decade.
- Open another day on our Advent calendar.
Getting things done: Today we are tidying the house - dusting, watering houseplants, washing windows. There is nothing particular on the calendar and good thing, because I am sick in bed today. Bleck. Your prayers for speedy recovery are much appreciated! We have a busy weekend planned.
Food: I {heart} my crock pot! Since I'm sick, I'll just be throwing lasagna ingredients into the crock pot and letting it cook all day!
God Bless,

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